A Structure Editor for Diagnostic Educational Assessment
Cy Khormaee
The Structure Editor for Diagnostic Educational Assessment Project (SEFDEA) is a part of the ongoing research by the Online Learning Environments Laboratory which is currently investigating methods for diagnostic assessment on the basis of online learning artifacts and log files. More specifically, SEFDEA is concerned with developing an application in C# to facilitate the process of constraining and assessing student’s rhetorical responses for diagnostic analysis by the instructor. The structure editor will constrain student input to a set of syntactically correct responses. This will permit the diagnostic analysis mechanism to readily infer semantic content of the writing and subsequently infer facets of student understanding. In order to avoid having only a narrow field of applicability, the editor will accept template files from an instructor or educational technologist that define classes of permissible documents. The goal of the project is to provide instructors with a versatile tool to streamline and enhance the diagnostic assessment process.
Advised by Steve Tanimoto
CSE 403
May 17, 2006
4:30 - 5:20 pm