PyBehavior - A python framework for creating soccer playing heuristics
in Robocup
Matt Mohebbi
Is the python language an effective way to develop the high level
behaviors of a robot soccer team? Robocup (an autonomous robot soccer
competition) provides an interesting domain for the development of
soccer playing heuristics (known as behaviors). Currently, most teams
use a development model for these behaviors that requires minutes
between changing the C++ code and seeing the results on the robot. Due
to the noise inherent in the sensor data, creating these programs is a
difficult task that requires a lot of tuning. Thus any reduction in the
time to code realization is very beneficial. I am investigating the use
of the python scripting language to reduce this delay. In this talk, I
will discuss the process of creating a python framework for Robocup. I
will cover the following major steps involved in the process. First,
porting the python interpreter to Aperios, Sony's real-time operating
system for the AIBO robot. Second, configuring a system to
automatically wrap pre-existing C++ classes to make them available in
python. Third, implementing software to efficiently exchange data
between C++ and python. The framework was used by the robotics capstone
course winter quarter 2004 and is currently in use by our team for the
development of the software that will be used in the 2004 international
Advised by Dieter Fox
EE1 037
May 26, 2004
4:30 - 5:20 pm