CSE 493 Spring 2024 Lecture

March 25 Welcome to 493X! Course Mechanics; URLs and HTTP
March 27 Chapter 1 live code
March 29 Chapter 2 background
April 1 Chapter 2 live code
April 3 Chapter 2 exercises
April 5 Chapter 3 background
April 8 Chapter 3 live code
April 10 Chapter 3 exercises
April 12 Chapter 4 background
April 15 Chapter 4 live code
April 17 Chapter 4 exercises
April 19 Chapter 5 background
April 22 Chapter 5 live code
April 24 Chapter 5 exercises
April 26 Chapter 6 background
April 29 Chapter 6 live code (Gilbert out)
May 1 Chapter 6 exercises
May 3 Chapter 7 background
May 6 Chapter 7 live code
May 8 Chapter 7 exercises
May 10 Chapter 8 background
May 13 Chapter 8 live code
May 15 Chapter 8 exercises
May 17 Chapter 9 background
May 20 Chapter 9 live code
May 22 Chapter 9 exercises
May 24 Chapter 10 background
May 29 Chapter 10 live code
May 31 Guest Lecture TBD