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The goal of this homework is to make something more accessible. Specifically, you should create a more accessible version of a thing (website, visualization, user interface, AR/VR, etc) that you’ve already made.

Learning Goals / Competencies

This homework will contribute to your competency grade on

It may contribute to other competencies depending on how you approach it.


Submit your writeup following the template


To complete this assignment, please do the following:

1. Select a specific interface or web app that you will make more accessible

You should identify a technology you have implemented for general use (i.e. not an accessibility technology). Ideally this should be an interactive technology (some kind of user interface, app, etc). If you have no such thing, you can ask to approve using a website or other static content that you have generated as an alternative.

Possible examples (this list is still under construction)

Also be clear about what task you want to accomplish.

2. Select an accessibility technology and test your app with it

Record the following information in your reflection

3. Fix the problem

Once you have identified problems, it is time to fix them. The expectations here will depend partly on the details of the task you select (which must be instructor approved) but it needs to include at least two different areas of POUR (i.e. address issues with both percievability and operability) or otherwise demonstrate that you have not done something overly simple.

4. Present it to us

You will be presenting your work to us on Friday 10/25 during regular class time. Your presentation will need to demonstrate the problems you found and the fix you created. This should include a “before & after” style presentation, showing the website/app you tested, what was wrong with it to begin with, how you fixed it, and how it looks/works after the fix.