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Prepare a 3 to 4 slide deck to support a conversation about the state of your project. This is an opportunity for feedback, and to practice presenting accessibly. You may want to decide who will take part in the presentation based on who needs to improve their accessible presentation competency. At a minimum, include information about:

  1. Project title and team members
  2. What will you do?
  3. Why don’t we have this already / why it needed? To answer this you will need to look at what technology we do have and explain why your idea isn’t already solved
  4. Provide technical details. How will you achieve your goals? What software/platforms will you use? What will you do yourself? What have you done already ?
  5. Why is this feasible (timeline, group roles, etc)
  6. Areas where you need advice/feedback.

Use this to engage us in a conversation that is useful to your project team.

Learning Goals / Competencies

This homework contributes to / will be assessed on


  1. Your slides