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CSE 491: Data Science and Society, Winter 2017
Thursdays 4:30-5:20pm
Location: ARC 147
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Welcome to CSE 491 (Data Science and Society)!

In this seminar, we will discuss various societal implications of data science. The goal is to reflect on the opportunities of data science and its potential negative effects on society, especially when data science is done without care. The seminar meets weekly. Each week a faculty member or an outside guest will give a lecture on some societal implication of data science.

Grading: There will be no exams nor homework assignments. After each seminar, we will ask you to fill out a short, online quiz to demonstrate your understanding of the material. Links to the quizzes are posted below the schedule. The seminar is graded credit/no-credit.

Important: The seminar starts on January 26th

Course Moderators

David Beck, Research Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering (dacb at uw.edu)

Magdalena (magda) Balazinska, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering (magda at cs.washington.edu)

Course schedule

Note that this schedule is subject to change, so please check it before coming to the seminar each week. 

Date Subject Presenter Affiliation
January 26th Introduction to Data Science [Slides] Prof. Jevin West Information School
February 2nd Data Science, Demography and Social Media: Challenges and Opportunities [Slides] Prof. Emilio Zagheni Dept. of Sociology
February 9th Data, Responsibly: The Next Decade of Data Science Prof. Bill Howe Information School
February 16th Promise and Perils of Data Science in the Wild [Slides] Anissa Tanweer and Brittany Fiore-Gartland Dept of Communication
February 23rd Designing AI systems that obey our laws and values [SLIDES] Prof. Oren Etzioni CEO of the Allen Institute for AI (AI2) and Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
March 2nd Reproducibility: failures and futures [SLIDES] Prof. David Beck Dept. of Chemical Engineering and eScience Institute
March 9th Privacy and security for medical records Prof. Bing Brunton Dept. of Biology

Online Quizzes

After each seminar, you have 24 hours to fill out the corresponding online quiz:

Joint Seminar

This seminar is offered jointly with the eScience Community Seminar.

Course Mailing List

* Subscription: If you are registered for this class, your email address @u.washington.edu will automatically be added to the class mailing list (refreshed daily). You can setup a forward address at myuw.washington.edu or change your subscription address here.

* Archive: You can access the archive for the class mailing list HERE.

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