Animation Principles.doc
or Animation
- Squash and stretch
- Anticipation
- Staging
- Pose-to-pose action & straight-ahead action
- Follow-through action & overlapping action
- Slow-in and slow-out
- Arcs
- Secondary action
- Timing
- Exaggeration
- Solid modeling and rigging, or Solid Drawing
- Character personality, Appeal
Part 1: Sit Animation
Last week you worked on the key poses of your sit. These were the most important poses in conveying the emotion and story of your character. This week you will be using
those poses to complete your animation, though with one small but important difference in how you animate: you will be animating from a single, fixed camera angle.
It can be a perspective of your choosing, but make it one where your character's actions read clearly. Specifically, the camera needs to be about 3/4 to the front and the full body
should be in view throughout the entire animation. All of your motion arcs and silhouettes should be done relative to this camera.
Don't be afraid to exaggerate your poses such that they only look good from this view. However, remember that you still need to pay attention to weight shifts on all sides,
as those shifts will still affect how your character moves through space.
What to do:
Animate! You are entering the second week of this project with all your reference, planning, and key poses done. The first thing you should do is modify your key poses from last week
so they look good from your new, fixed camera angle. Next comes inbetweening. Then the final steps will be splining and finessing your motion. As always, you are encouraged to get
feedback along the way. Though the TAs will always be there, look to your fellow animators for feedback as well.
Part 2: Motion Finessing Review
For this week's motion review, try to have your animation as close to finished as possible. Since you will almost be done with a two week project,
it will be about the time to really polish your motion, and the feedback you receive will be aimed towards helping you do that.
What to do:
- Attend the normal motion review meeting. Have your motion as close to complete as possible. Meeting times are here.
- Get feedback on your animation from at least two other students in the 490j class. As with the motion review meetings, try to have as much done as you can.
Write down the feedback they give you, take a moment to type it up (it does not have to be in complete sentences, short notes are fine), and send it to the 490j staff by
midnight Wednesday (2/18). This is so you can begin getting used to critiquing each other's work.
General Animation and Maya Tips:
- Your planning sheet should have everything you will need to know.
You should, in theory, be able to animate without ever referring
back to your reference - just to your planning sheet.
- Start with your key poses first! Get those right, then add breakdowns
(keys further defining the motion between your keyframes) as you need
- When working on key poses you will want to key all of the controls
on the same frame. If you stagger their keys, figuring out which key
goes to which pose will become frustrating later, and in general slow
down the workflow.
- Make sure keys don't land on partial frames (for example, frame 3.14).
If this happens it is usually the result of key scaling. To fix partial
framed keys, select all of the problem keys in the timeline, right-click
hold on the selection, and choose "Snap".
- Try not to spend too much time in the Graph Editor. Focus on what
your animation looks like, not what the curves look like. Don't be afraid
to add more keys or breakdowns.
- Save iterations! You especially want to save an iteration when all
of your key poses are set, before moving on to clean up the graph editor
and adding inbetweens (basically another word for "breakdowns).
Playblasts are Maya's way of creating a preview of your animation that
runs in real time, and is much faster to create than a render. Go to Window
> Playblast > OptionBox. Change the option for Viewer to 'Movieplayer',
change the Display size to "Custom" and enter 640 and 480 for the two
values. Change the scale to "1.00", and check "Save to File" and name
it appropriately.
IMPORT NOTES: The point of playblasts are to get a good preview
of your animation. This means that you should hide everything that clutters
the screen, and set the camera up to get a good view of your motion (you
don't want the camera so far away that your bouncing ball it just a dot!)
You will want to hide the heads up display information by going to Display->Heads
Up Display and unchecking everything in the list. You will also want to
hide all of the animation controls. Since these controls are usually NURBs
curves, go to the panel menu and uncheck Show->NURBS Curves.
Turn-in Checklist:
- Use .ma and not .mb
- Please name your files lastname_firstname_assignmentnumber_partnumber_filename.*
- Part 1: One playblast of your sit from the fixed perspective (about 3/4 to the front, full body in view the entire time)
- Part 1: One maya file of your sit.
- Part 2: Be there! Have something for us to give
feedback on!
- Part 2: Get feedback from your peers and send it to the 490j staff by midnight Wednesday.