CSE 490d Winter 2014: Week 2


  1. Discuss assigned readings
  2. Continue discussion of potential project areas

Homework for week 3:

In class we broke up into pairs to complete the assignment for next week. This week each student is responsible for reading two papers from the list below, one that is randomly assigned and one of their choosing. Next week we will discuss the six papers as a class.

  1. Each group is responsible for giving a 4 minute presentation about their assigned paper. Your group is responsible for the paper that has your group number: 1)Nick/Isaac, 2) Sam/Jake, 3) Hadiza/Jenny, 4) Sang-Wha/James, 5) Tore/Jian, 6) Xiaotao/Michael). Plan on meeting with your group at least once before next week to discuss your presentation plans. These presentations are informal (we will just stay seated around the table) and should be done WITHOUT slides. Your role will be to describe to the class what you read in the paper and field questions about the project to best of your ability. Each group member should talk during the presentation. Things to touch on in your presentation:
  2. Each student in the class ALSO should read one other paper of their choice from this list before class next week. We will ask that you make a posting about the paper you read on our GoPost message board (coming soon). (You do not have to make a posting about your assigned paper but you are welcome to.)

Papers 1-6 came out of projects from previous offerings of THIS class.

  1. StarBus: SMS based vehicle tracking targeting public transportation in Kyrgyzstan. R. Anderson, A. Poon, C. Lustig, W. Brunette, G. Borriello, B. Kolko. Building a Transportation Information System using only GPS and Basic SMS Infrastructure, ICTD 2009. [pdf]
  2. Milkbank: Developed low-cost milk banking for HIV positive mothers. R. Chaudhri, D. Vlachos, J. Kaza, J. Palludan, N. Bilbao, T. Martin, G. Borriello, B. Kolko, K. Israel-Ballard. 2011. A system for safe flash-heat pasteurization of human breast milk, NSDR 2011. [pdf]
  3. Midwives' ultrasound. Developed an interface for antenatal ultrasound for use by rural midwives in Uganda. W. Brunette, W. Gerard, M. Hicks, A. Hope, M. Ishimitsu, P. Prasad, R. Anderson, G. Borriello, B., Kolko, R. Nathan. Portable Antenatal Ultrasound Platform for Village Midwives, ACM DEV 2010. [pdf]
  4. Multilearn: Multi-input device educational games for elementary education in India. C. Tseng, S. Garg, H. Underwood, L. Findlater, R. Anderson, J. Pal. Examining emergent dominance patterns in multiple input based educational systems, IDID 2010.[pdf]
  5. Low-power Sensors and Smartphones for Tracking Water Collection in Rural Ethiopia. R. Chaudhri, R. Sodt, K. Lieberg, J. Chilton, G. Borriello, J. Cook, Y. Masuda. IEEE Pervasive Computing (special issue on Pervasive Information and Communication Technologies for Development ICT4D), Vol. 11, No. 3, July-September 2012. [pdf]
  6. Digitizing Paper Forms with Mobile Imaging Technologies. N. Dell, N. Breit, T. Chaluco, J. Crawford, G. Borriello. ACM 2nd Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (DEV), Atlanta, Georgia, March 2012. [pdf]