CSE 484 / CSE M 584: Computer Security (Winter 2025)

Location and Time


Instructor: Prof. Nirvan Tyagi (tyagi@cs)

Teaching Assistants:

Administration Resources

Office Hours

Instructor Office Hours: Friday, 11:30-12:30 PM CSE2 335

TA Office Hours:


CSE 332 and CSE 351

You should have maturity in both the mathematics of computer science and in the engineering of computer systems. This means that you should: have a good understanding of data structures and algorithms; be comfortable writing programs from scratch in C and Java; be comfortable writing and debugging assembly code; and be comfortable in a command-line Unix development environment (gdb, gcc, etc). You should also have a good understanding of computer architecture, operating systems, and computer networks. Most importantly, you should be eager to challenge yourself and learn more!