CSE 484 / CSE M 584: Computer Security (Winter 2025)
Location and Time
- Lecture: MWF 10:30-11:20am, KNE 110
- Sections:
- Section AA: Th 12:30-1:20pm, MEB 242
- Section AB: Th 1:30-2:20pm, MEB 242
- Section AC: Th 2:30-3:20pm, MOR 221
- Section AD: Th 3:30-4:20pm, MUE 155
Instructor: Prof. Nirvan Tyagi (tyagi@cs)
Teaching Assistants:
- Rachel Alwan (ralwan@cs)
- Micah Chang (micahc03@cs)
- Pranati Dani (pdani1@cs)
- Jasmine Herri (jasherri@cs)
- Evan Lam (evanlam@cs)
- Hoang Nguyen (hoangng@cs)
- Basia Radka (basia@cs)
Administration Resources
- Ed Discussion Board:
Ed will be used for all educational and adminstrative course communication among staff and students.
The discussion board can be used to discuss and ask questions about course material, homeworks, and labs.
Course announcements will be made via Ed, and questions about course logistics can be sent to staff via Ed.
- Calendar:
The course calendar includes information on lecture topics, readings, and materials, section materials, homework and lab due dates, and more.
Lecture slides will be posted shortly after lecture (if not before lecture).
You may look at slides from the previous quarter to get a sense of upcoming content.
- Homework and Labs Gradescope:
Homework and lab assignments will be submitted and grades may be viewed via Gradescope.
- In-Class Activities Gradescope:
We will use a separate Gradescope instance for completing in-class activities during lecture and section.
- Panopto Recordings:
Lectures will be recorded and made available via Panopto.
Office Hours
Instructor Office Hours: Friday, 11:30-12:30 PM CSE2 335
TA Office Hours:
- Monday, 4:00-5:00 PM, CSE2 245 (CSE 678 1/27, CSE 674 3/4), Evan and Jasmine
- Tuesday, 10:00-11:00 AM, CSE 5th floor breakout, Basia and Pranati
- Wednesday, 2:30-3:30 PM, CSE 203, Rachel and Hoang
- Thursday, 10:30-11:30 AM, CSE2 131, Evan, Micah, and Basia
CSE 332 and CSE 351
You should have maturity in both the mathematics of
computer science and in the engineering of computer
systems. This means that you should: have a good understanding
of data structures and algorithms; be comfortable writing
programs from scratch in C and Java; be comfortable writing
and debugging assembly code; and be comfortable in a
command-line Unix development environment (gdb, gcc, etc). You
should also have a good understanding of computer
architecture, operating systems, and computer networks. Most
importantly, you should be eager to challenge yourself and
learn more!