Class Schedule


Date Topic and Slides Recommended Readings Assignments
Week 1
09/25/2024 Course overview [slides]
09/27/2024 Introduction to security, threat modeling [slides] Optional:
Security Engineering Chapter 1
Week 2
09/30/2024 Software security: Buffer overflows [slides] Recommended:
Review Linux tips from CSE 351
Sign the ethics form (11:59pm)
10/02/2024 Software security: Buffer overflows continued [slides] Strongly recommended:
Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit and Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities and Once Upon a free()
10/04/2024 Software security: Buffer overflows + defenses [slides] Homework 1 due (11:59pm)
Week 3
10/07/2024 Software security: Misc [slides]
10/09/2024 Cryptography: Introduction [slides] Optional:
Security Engineering Chapter 5
10/11/2024 Cryptography: Randomness and symmetric crypto [slides] (Keep reading the previous one)
Week 4
10/14/2024 Cryptography: Symmetric crypto [slides] Lab 1A due (11:59pm)
10/16/2024 Cryptography: Hash functions and MACs [slides]
10/18/2024 Guest lecture: Gennie Gebhart (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
Week 5
10/21/2024 Cryptography: Asymmetric crypto [slides]
10/23/2024 Cryptography: Asymmetric crypto [slides] Lab 1B due (11:59pm)
10/25/2024 Web security: Certificates, Browser security model [slides]
Week 6
10/28/2024 Web security: Browser security model, XSS [slides]
10/30/2024 Guest lecture: Emily McReynolds on Security and Law/Policy
11/01/2024 Web security: SQL injection and CSRF [slides] Strongly recommended:
Advanced SQL Injection,
XSS Cheat Sheet
Homework 2 due (11:59pm)
Week 7
11/04/2024 Web security: Wrap-up [slides]
11/06/2024 Web privacy [slides]
11/08/2024 Authentication [slides] Optional (funny):
"This World of Ours" by James Mickens
Week 8
11/11/2024 No class: Veterans Day
11/13/2024 Usable security [slides]
11/15/2024 Guest lecture: Charlie Reis (Google) Lab 2 due (11:59pm)
Week 9
11/18/2024 Root cause analysis and patching [slides] Project Zero Root Cause Analyses
11/20/2024 Mobile platform security [slides]
11/22/2024 Anonymity [slides] Homework 3 due (11:59pm)
Week 10
11/25/2024 Side channels [slides]
11/27/2024 No class: Thanksgiving
11/29/2024 No class: Thanksgiving
Week 11
12/02/2024 Emerging technologies 1 [slides]
(Not a class day) Final project Part A due (11:59pm)
12/04/2024 Physical security (not recorded!) [partial slides] Optional: Cryptology and Physical Security: Rights Amplification in Master-Keyed Mechanical Locks
12/06/2024 Emerging technologies 2 / Wrap-up [slides]
Finals Week
No class: Finals week Final project Parts B+C due (11:59pm)
(no late days can be used)