
Assignments and labs will be posted on this page throughout the quarter. All dates are tentative until the assignment/lab is officially posted.

In-Class Activities

We will use Canvas "quizzes" to support in-class activities: We will have 1-3 of them a week. They will form the basis of your participation grade. We will not count in-class activities during the first week of class, while enrollment stabilizes.

Unless you are ill, we strongly encourage you to attend class in person. We expect that you complete these activities during class. However, we will accept submissions for up to half of the in-class activities a week late, to allow for illness/etc. You do not need to request an extension for these, just submit late! If you have unique circumstances that make attending class in person even half of the time an issue, please reach out to the course staff (we don't expect this to be a common case, but please do ask if this applies to you).

You don't need to write essays or complete sentences here, and you don't even need to get the answer right (though you should learn the right answer from the lecture). The activities are intended to get you actively engaging with the material, not as quizzes (despite the name on Canvas). They should take you about as long as we spend in the breakouts (5-10 minutes).

If you run into technical or other difficulties, please let us know!


Unless otherwise specified, all submissions must be typed and submitted as PDF files; handwritten assignments and non-PDF files will not be accepted. Please submit as specified for each assignment, either Canvas or Gradescope.

At the top of your assignment, be sure to write your name, email address, UWNetID, the homework assignment number (e.g. "Homework 1"), due date, any references that you used (besides the course texts and assigned readings, and including any generative AI tools), and the names of any people that you discussed the assignment with.

Include your name and UWNetID on each page. If you are using late days, please mark on the first page of your assignment how many late days you are using.

List of homeworks and deadlines:


Unless otherwise specified, submit labs online via Canvas. If you are using late days, please mark on your assignment how many late days you are using.

Helpful for multiple labs: SSH and SCP Guide

List of labs and deadlines:

Final Project

There is no final exam in this class. There is a final project. Late days cannot be used on the final project.

Readings (Required for 584, Extra Credit for 484 and 584)

Required for 584: Your "Research Readings" grade will be based on your submission of summaries of research papers, one required for each week of the course except for the first week. Submissions must be unique for this course (e.g., do not submit analysis of papers you've read for credit in another class).

584 Required Reading Due Dates: Thursdays 11:59pm starting Week 2.

Extra Credit for 484 and 584: You may also read up to three additional papers for extra credit, but at most one additional extra credit paper a week (so not all three extra papers in the last week of class). Submissions must be unique for this course (e.g., do not submit analysis of papers you've read for credit in another class.)

What to Submit: Each security reading review should cover the following material in complete sentences. We encourage you to label the sections of your review so that it is clear where you are intending to provide each of the following pieces of information:

You can find one version of advice on how to read a CS research paper here. You are also welcome to come discuss the reading process or the papers themselves with the course staff.

You must submit evaluations as a PDF file. You should upload the evaluations to Canvas. Your evaluation for each reading should be at most one page long, be single-spaced, use 12pt font, and have at least 1 inch margins. (It's okay for the metadata (name, date, paper title) to be outside the margins, e.g., in the header of the page.) For the sake of your TAs' eyes :) please stick to 12pt font. If you need to spill onto a second page to answer all the questions, that's okay (though please don't aim to fill two whole pages).

You are welcome to, and in fact encouraged to, discuss the papers with other students in the class or the course instructors. However, you must write the evaluations on your own.

List of suggested papers:
Having trouble accessing a PDF for a paper? Google Scholar and the UW Library are your friends!

You may also look at other top computer security conferences, like USENIX Security 2023 or IEEE S&P 2023 for more recent papers. You can substitute any paper from these conferences for one of the papers above, if one of these papers interest you. You may also check with the instructor for additional options/suggestions for substitute papers.

Final extra credit readings are due on the dates seen on Canvas -- no late days or late submissions allowed.