Turn in both your answer to this question, and your source code.
Turn in your answers to these question and your source code.
Also turn in a list of which messages collided, and the resulting
hash values (in hex); i.e., you'd have 5 pairs of inputs and two 5 hash values for n=8 (which are equivalent in the first 8 bits), 5 pairs of inputs and two 5 hash values for n=16 (which are equivalent in the first 16 bits), and so on.
Do your
timings on a machine in the undergraduate lab.
Tell us which machine you used (with "echo $HOSTNAME" since some hostnames, like
attu, actually correspond to multiple machines) and the load (with "uptime") prior to your experiments.
Turn in both your answer to this question, and your source code.
Please use the forum if you wish to brainstorm with others regarding possible movies.