Project 3:
Milestone D

CSE 481p, University of Washington, Spring 2018



Work in your project groups to further develop the game based on your wicked problem. Then create a report and short presentation addressing the issues below. This version of your game must be playable, and it must reflect the key elements of your game.


General Progress Report

Include the following:

  1. Your names: List the names of your team members.
  2. Changes Since Milestone C: Describe any alternations of the plans you laid out in Milestone B.
  • Updated Specification of the Current Working Code: Explain the functionality of your code in its current state. You may copy, paste and edit your answer to this issue from Milestone C.
  • Specification for Your Upcoming "Final" Code: What additional features, bug-fixes, and other changes to the code to you envision for your final game?



    A SHORT presentation should be prepared that describes the updates to your game.

    Your second slide should be a list representing the BACKLOG of your Scrum right after Milestone C

    Your third slide should be a list representing the BACKLOG of your Scrum here at Milestone D. (What code changes and features remain to be performed or added before Final code?)


    Actual Third Working Code

    The last required item for Milestone D is Python code that corresponds to what you specified for "Third Working Code" above. Make sure this is set up on Nicto in a folder named SZ_ALPHA. There should be a subfolder named according to your game. Within the subfolder should be both a game-formulation file (e.g., and a corresponding visualization file (e.g., This code should work correctly with, so that when started from within the game code folder, a command such as the following will correctly start a session:

    ../ OurWickedGame 5555
    Then anyone playing the game would point a browser to
    and sign in, choose a role, etc.