Pre-Project Assignment:
Reviews of Selected Games

CSE 481p, University of Washington, Spring 2018

In this assignment, you will review two games. The first is BBC Climate Challenge. The second is one of the following games, and you get to choose which one.
  1. Ice Flows Game (from Games for Change).
  2. At Risk (In interactive simulation-based game that aims to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness). (not free except for demo version -- you have to fill out a form). (from Games for Change).
  3. Darfur is Dying. The subject of this game is in the Poverty genre. (free and working on the web, from Games for Change).
  4. "Spent". This subject of this game is in the Povery and Homelessness genres. The game consists of a branching story with mostly text, plus some graphics and sound effects. (free and working on the web.) Very simple production values. (from Games for Change).
  5. Economics/business: "Neocolonialism" (available at the Steam website for $3.99).
When submitting your reviews, please use the Game Review Form here. If you wish, you may turn in a Word or Google document with the answers to the questions on the form, but please use the same question ordering and style as on the form.