CSE 481p: Capstone: Problem Solving for Global Challenges
The University of Washington, Seattle, Spring 2018
Regular Meetings: Mondays, and Wednesdays,
11:00-12:20 in Odegaard Room 136
Instructor: Steve
Tanimoto [
t a n i m o t o (at) c s (dot) w a s h i n g t o n (dot) e d u ]
(office hours: Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 in CSE 638. |
Graduate Teaching Assistant:
Rob Thompson [ r o b t h o m p (at) u w (dot) e d u ]
(office hours: TBA)
CSE 332, and senior status,
and at least a 3.4 grade in one of CSE 154, CSE 331, CSE 341 or CSE 473,
or permission of the instructor. Prior experience with the Python language
and Unix/Linux
will be helpful but are not required.
Background survey: Please complete the
background survey
by the end of the first week of classes.
Registering for the course: If you have not been able to
register for the course, but you have the appropriate background and
wish to be considered for possible spot in the class,
come to class on Day 1 and put your information on the Day-One overload request form.