Project Report

Your final project report will be in the form of a workshop paper submission using the template provided here. 

The paper should be 10-12 pages in length when completed (that isn’t as long as it sounds when you consider figures, charts, and tables take up space as well).  You will more than likely end up generating a lot more than this if you do a good job on documenting all aspects of your project.

Your target audience is other researchers who want to build on your idea, either by continuing your work or doing a similar deployment or domain-based project.  They would need to understand why it is interesting, why your work will save them a lot of time, and how to reconstruct your project.  Documenting the design decisions you have made along the way – both why you picked one particular alternative AND why you rejected others, is an important part of this.  It would be especially nice if tutorial information about specific devices, software, and/or interfaces and how to deal with them is placed in a separate appendix so it can serve as a handy reference.  You will definitely receive extra credit for a great job on this.

Below is a basic outline of the report that you should use as a guideline. Please do your best to cover all the points listed.


The paper’s .doc file and files for the appendices should all be packaged into a .zip file with a README file included to explain the purpose of each file included.