CSE481I: Sound and Media Capstone

Bruce Hemingway with Ying-Chao (Tony) Tung

This capstone will build projects utilizing computer audio techniques for human interfacing, sound recording and playback, encoding and decoding, synchronization, sound synthesis, recognition, and analysis/resynthesis. Projects may contain other media, as well, such as digital video. Students will work in teams to design, implement, and release a software/hardware project utilizing some of the techniques such as those in the links below.

We have two Oculus-VR development kits, two Tobii EyeX Eye-tracking Controllers, and many Leap Motion controllers for use in building musical/audio/media interfaces, and three Nvidia Jetson TX1 Developer Kit for high-performance Deep Neural Network learning and computer vision.

Initial meetings will be TTh 10:30-11:50 in EEB 042, to get our project groups organized. First three weeks only, as needed.

We will meet Tuesdays, 2:30-5:30 p.m. in EEB 347, and other times as arranged by project teams. This is your lab space, to which you have access at all times. No other claass uses this space this quarter.

Final project demonstration with posters on Monday, December 11th, 10:30-12:30, CSE ATRIUM. Project Reports are due by 10 pm on December 13th, in your Canvas Group dropbox.

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GitLab is here:


Software links and lecture notes

other sites of interest (and project videos and ideas)

Project Design Document

Project Guidelines

Project Posters and Final Reports with poster examples

Some past project reports