Project Posters
Posters should be 32" wide and 40" tall. Do not use a font size smaller than 28 points. The amount of text should be minimal, with pictures including captions. Please use these templates. Your poster should have a title, list of team members, and at least these sections:
(i) Probem description,
(ii) use example,
(iii) description of solution,
(iv) future work.
Good posters use images and readable bullet points to commiunicate, NOT large blocks of text!
The poster should contain UW and CSE logos and a mention that the poster is for the "Sound Capstone Design Course, Winter Quarter, 2012." There is a poster review on March 1st, 10:30 am, CSE 503.
Project Final Report
Reports should use the two column format Microsoft Word format suggested by the ACM. The paper should be at most 4 pages and include the following sections:
Project abstract
A one paragraph description of the project and why it is should be useful to someone.
which includes target group, and purpose of the project.
Related work
which includes books, papers, products related to your project.
Description of the solution
This is the main body of the report, which presents a theory-of-operation for your project, listing component parts and their use.
Explain how you evaluated success -- what did you measure? What tradeoffs did your design entail?
Project Reports are due by 10 pm on March 8th. Email please.