Installation instructions for UrbanSim, including required supporting software can be found at We have been using the Traits UI system from Enthought for building UrbanSim GUIs, and expect that would continue to be true for capstone projects.
The Lab has installed the necessary supporting software on the undergrad instructional Windows machines:
Opus and UrbanSim themselves aren't included in the Lab's image - you'll need to download the install file and install it yourself. Put it in your personal workspace on the Z: drive, so that it persists between logins. (The local disk for instructional computers is restored to the standard lab image after every login.)
We will set up a subversion repository for teams to use to share code during development.
Shared file space for project groups is available on /projects/instr/07sp/cse481e
All of these applications and packages are available for Macintosh and Linx as well as Windows; and are open source, except for Wing, so that you can install them on a personal machine if you like. (It may be possible to get a free license for Wing for a personal machine also.)
The UrbanSim project lab is just off-campus on the Ave at Point 5. We've got some extra space, and teams that want to work at Point 5 are welcome to do so. We can set you up on some machines and give you keycards to come and go when you want. The advantages of working at Point 5 would be easier access to the course staff for questions, plus it's quiet. The disadvantage is it's off-campus.