Past Project Examples

Project #1: Examining Community Interactions on Reddit through Cross-Link Senitment [Final Report]

Project #2: The Impact of Author Reputation on Future Citation Count in Computer Science [Final Report]

Project Timeline

The following is a rough guideline to help you understand what you should have done by when. As you'll learn in this class, the data science process is highly iterative, and so you should expect that you'll have to retrace your steps at times. That being said, if you want to be sucessful in this class, it will help to try to hit these milestones.


A list of deliverables and dates is below. Some details are subject to change as the quarter progresses.

Assignments vary between individual and group assignments, as noted. For group assignments, it is sufficient for one group member to submit via Canvas; please note the names and UW Net IDs of all group members in your submission.

Please submit your files on Canvas unless otherwise specified.

All deliverables are due at midnight PST before class as indicated in our schedule.

Final Report

The final project report should be a 5-10 page paper, describing the introduction, analysis approach, results, related work and conclusion. We will not accept reports longer than 10 pages (page count includes figures, but excludes references). Please use the NeurIPS 2021 template as given here or here. If you are not using LaTeX, you may follow the formatting instructions given in Section 2 of the links. We will discuss in detail how to write a good paper towards the end of the class.

You should use the following structure for your final report: