Games Capstone Winter 2023

Welcome to the Games Capstone course (CSE 481D, Winter 2023)

Learn how to make a video game, from idea to publication.

Instructor: Nikita Haduong (

TA: Thompson Ngo (

Office Hours: By appointment; TBD @ CSE 436

Student Conduct Code

The Student Conduct Code explains that admission to the University carries with it the presumption that students will practice high standards of professional honesty and integrity (WAC 478-120-020 [2]). In particular, all work (homework and exams) is to be your own individual work.

Content Warnings

This course is intended to support creative explorations in video games. If you make games with content that may cause distress to fellow students, please make verbal content warnings before presentations and include written content warnings in your game.

Students who feel the need to step outside during the presentation or discussion of work with content warnings may always do so without academic penalty. However, you will be responsible for any material missed.

Content requiring warnings include: