Here are links to some papers/resources that may be of interest/relevant to some of the programming groups
- Yang Li, Ken Hinckley, Zhiwei Guan, James A. Landay, Experimental analysis of mode switching techniques in pen-based user interfaces, CHI 2005. One of the difficulties in pen based computing is indicating different modes associated with pen operations. This paper does an experimental evaluation of different mechanisms for supporting modes.
- Ken Hinckley, Patrick Baudisch, Gonzalo Ramos, Francois Guimbretiere, Design and analysis of delimiters for selection-action pen gesture phrases in scriboli . CHI 2005. This paper provides an alternate method
for embedding a mode into a particular ink stroke action.
- Tovi Grossman, Ravin Balakrishnan, The bubble cursor: enhancing target acquisition by dynamic resizing of the cursor's activation area.
CHI 2005. THis paper exams changing a cursors size to improve selection.
- Georg Apitz, François Guimbretière, CrossY: a crossing-based drawing application Crossing
is an alternate pen based technique for selection. This paper explores a suite of crossing based widgets to create a purely
pen based interface.
- Plamondon, R.; Srihari, S.N., Online and off-line handwriting recognition: a comprehensive survey. IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence - 22 (1), January 2000, A large bibliography on handwriting recognition work. The emphasis is on image recognition instead of stroke based recognition - but it is still useful for information on handwriting.
- Richard Anderson and Craig Prince, An Analysis of Dynamically-Constructed Ink Diagrams for use in Lecture A study of lecture diagrams from CSE 421 - the main points are that instructor drawn diagrams are dyanamic, naturally break down into phases, and contain many mistakes. The paper aims to provide a background to support the development of tools for off line use of lecture diagrams.