Writing Assignments, CSE 481b, Winter 2007
There will be three short writing assignments. Each writing
assignment should be about two pages, and submitted to the TA
(cmprince@cs) by email before the deadline. (You may submit these early!)
Assignment 1, Due Monday, February 5. Midterm Reflective
Describe your contributions to the project so far. What is working
well, and are there adjustments that need to be made. What are your
plans for ensuring that your project is successful.
Assignment 2, Due Monday, March 5. Project component
Describe some aspect of the your project in detail, preferably one
that you have had direct involvement with. This could be architecture,
test cases, interface decisions, scenarios, results from analysis of
the data, etc. It is expected that team members choose different
aspects of the project to write about.
Assignment 3, Due Wednesday, March 14. Final Reflective
Describe your overall contributions to the project, identifying what
you thought was successful, and what you thought was unsuccessful.
Assignments 2 and 3 have been combined
Final reflective statement, Due March 14
Describe your overall contributions to the project, identifying what
you thought was successful, and what you thought was unsuccessful. Include some technical details
of a component that you were involved in. The length should be between 750 and 1500 words.