CSE logo University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 490RA Exercise 3
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Elevator simulation

This assignment has two parts - the first is to write an elevator simulator, and the second is to do something cool with ink. So far, I have only implemented the first part.

Part 1

Write an elevator simulator that moves a car up and down in response to buttons. The main purpose of this exercise is to pick up some experience with basic window form graphics. Here is my effort. It is primitive - but the car does move up and down.


Here are the steps I went through. You will get the most out of this assignment if you only refer to these as necessary.

Part 2

Now the part I haven't got to, is to do something cool with ink. What I am wanting to do is to have any ink drawn in the elevator car move up and down with the elevator. I haven't tried to do this yet - so I don't know how hard it will be.

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