Homework 3, CSE 490ra

Due Tuesday, October 21, 11:59 am


This assignment is to create a tic-tac-toe program for the Tablet PC. However, the role of the program is to mediate between two players - not to play the game. The goal is to develop a natural User Interface for Tic-Tac-Toe, where the players play the game with ink.

In order to initialize the game, one player will need to draw the board out on the specified ink pad in order to “initialize” the playing surface. Players will take turns drawing X’s and O’s in order on the game board. If a player wins by connecting three X’s or O’s in order, then the Tablet should recognize this and send a “game over” message to the players. If the game ends in a tie and no user wins, then the application will end the current game. You will also need to build some kind of GUI or interface that supports your commands. As a brief summary, the required objectives are:
  1. Let one user draw the game board in order to “initialize it”.
  2. Players alternate drawing X’s and O’s. If an X or O is not recognized, or the player tries to fill a filled square, throw an error message.
  3. If a player makes three in a row, draw a line through the three symbols and display a message.

The rest of the details are up to you, as long as the application meets the mentioned specifications. IMPT: PLEASE WRITE YOUR OWN RECOGNITION FUNCTIONS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. DO NOT USE THE SDK’S RECOGNITION’S ENGINE. You are of course welcome to add any of your own functionality if you want. Just be sure to document it in your turn-in. The players should use the board that you have drawn, and the regions should be roughly the regions that are drawn.
