Homework 1, CSE 490ra
Due Tuesday, October 7, 11:59 am
You may do this assignment on a desktop machine (with the Tablet SDK installed), or on
a tablet. It is recommended that you do atleast part of the assignment in the Tablet PC lab
(AC 003D). The instructor and the TA will schedule some lab hours.
Hello World, Part A
Hello world is that standard first application to write in a new environment.
For the tablet pc version, I would like you to create a program with an inkCollector
that allows the user to write Hello World (or anything else!). Provide controls
to allow changing the color of the ink. Here is a screen shot of my version.
Hello World, Part B
Extend Hello World, with the following enhancements:
- Separate the control area from the ink area with a splitters, so that you can
change the relative sizes of control and ink areas.
- Convert the ink collector to an ink overlay to allow editting and selection, with buttons
to switch between ink, select, and erase modes.
- Have the color button change the color of the selected text. (I had some trouble on this
one until I realized it was necessary to invalidate the ink panel after changing colors)
- Add a track bar to control width of all of the lines. Each time the trackbar changes,
update all the line widths.
Screen shots
Feel free to alter the feature set as you see fit. There is no requirement to reproduce
the sample solution exactly.
Submit a screen shot by the deadline by email to the instructor (anderson@cs.washington.edu).
Save the screenshot as a JPG (not a BMP).