
This schedule is tentative and subject to change.

January 3 Introduction and Course Overview 
January 5 Robots in an Uncertain World 
January 7 Discussion: Uber Accident Report (National Transportation Safety Board) Reading
January 10 State Estimation, Bayesian Filtering  Prob. Rob., Ch. 1, Ch. 2
January 12 Markov Localization  Prob. Rob., Ch. 5.2, Ch. 6 (through 6.3)
January 14 Discussion: Do Artifacts Have Politics? (Langdon Winner) Reading Project 1: Introduction
January 17 Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 19 Monte Carlo Sampling, Importance Sampling  Prob. Rob., Ch. 4
January 21 Particle Filtering  Prob. Rob., Ch. 4
January 24 The Kalman Filter  A New Approach to Linear Filtering, Prob. Rob., Ch. 3
January 26 The Unscented Kalman Filter  The Unscented Kalman Filter
January 28 Discussion: Moral Crumple Zones: Cautionary Tales in Human-Robot Interaction (Madeleine Clare Elish) Reading
January 31 Introduction to Feedback Control  Underactuated Robotics Ch. 1
February 2 PID Control, Pure Pursuit  Pure Pursuit, DARPA Challenge Controllers
February 4 Discussion: Robot Rights? Let’s Talk about Human Welfare Instead (Abeba Birhane) Reading Project 2: Localization
February 7 Model Predictive Control 
February 9 Linear Quadratic Regulator  Underactuated Robotics Ch. 9, Notes on LQR by P. Abbeel
February 11 Discussion: Anatomy of an AI System (Kate Crawford, Vladan Joler) Reading
February 14 Introduction to Planning  Planning Algorithms Ch 1, Ch 4.1-4.3, Ch 6.5, Ch 14.1
February 16 Heuristic Search  A*
February 18 Discussion: Fairness and Abstraction in Sociotechnical Systems (Andrew D. Selbst et al.) Reading Project 3: Control
February 21 Holiday: Presidents' Day
February 23 Sampling-based Motion Planning 
February 25 Lazy Search, Planning for Vehicles 
February 28 MDPs 1
March 2 MDPs 2
March 4 Discussion: TBD
March 7 Reinforcement Learning 1
March 9 Reinforcement Learning 2
March 11 Conclusion Project 4: Planning