Computational hardware


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Table of Contents

Computational hardware


Microprocessor basics

Microprocessor basics (cont’d)

Microprocessor organization

General-purpose processor

Embedded processor

Why embedded processors?

Typical general-purpose architecture

Typical task-specific architecture

How does this change things?

Interactions with the environment

Sensing external signals

Controlling external signals

Time and instruction execution

Time measurement via parallel timers

Input/output events

System bus based communication

Support for communication protocols


Microcontrollers (cont’d)

Microcontroller example

MC68HC11 and EVB

Why this choice?

Motorola MC683xx

Block diagram

Functional blocks

Time Processor Unit

TPU Register Map

TPU Register Set (all)

TPU Register Set (detail)

Timing Ranges

Programming the TPU

Clocks and Timers

MC68328 aka DragonBall

PWM on DragonBall

I/O Bottleneck

System Communication

Intel’s Approach

System w/ Communication Processor


I2O Device-Drivers

I2O Message Passing

Intel 80960RP Processor

i960 Block Diagram

i960 Core

80960 Messaging Unit

Motorola’s Approach


MPC 823 Features

MPC823 Communication Module

Communication Module Features

More Communication Module Features

PDA Based on MPC823

Set-Top Box

Motorola’s ColdFire

ColdFire Features

Author: LIS


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