Title of Project

Names of group members

Project Final Report

Your final project report will be in the form of a Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA) 2004 paper submission.  Follow the format provided.  The paper should be 10 pages in length.  Here is an example paper.

Your target audience students entering CSE477 (as you were at the beginning of the quarter) that are going to build on your project.  They would need to understand why it is interesting, why your work will save them a lot of time, and how to reconstruct your project.

It would be especially nice if tutorial information about specific devices and/or interfaces and how to deal with them is placed in a separate appendix so that it can be easily distributed to future students.

Below is a basic outline of the report which you should use as a guideline. Please do your best to cover all the points listed.

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