CSE477 E-mail

Here are the mailing addresses you should use to get in touch with CSE 477 staff and fellow students. Please use these addresses rather than the personal email addresses of the staff in order to help us make sure that you get a quick response.

Subscribing to the class mailing list:

As soon as possible, you should subscribe to cse477@cs.washington.edu so that you will receive copies of all messages sent to the class list and so that you will be able to post messages yourself (you can't post to the list if you are not a member).

You can always find any messages posted on the class e-mail archive. Therefore, there is no reason to have to save the messages in your own personal mailbox.

You can add subscribe to the list by following the instructions on the mailing list information page. You will be able to set whether you want messages delivered to your personal mailbox or not. NOTE: you will not be able to view/post mail unless you subscribe. You can also unsubscribe using this same interface at the end of the quarter.

Please ensure that all messages you send to the list are respectful to all involved and are within UW guidelines for appropriate e-mail content.

Mailing addresses for course staff:


Name Mail alias
Students All (students, instructor, and TAs) cse477@cs.washington.edu
Instructor Gaetano Borriello cse477-instructor@cs.washington.edu
TAs Alan Liu
Waylon Brunette
Lab Bruce Hemingway cse477-lab@cs.washington.edu
Web CSE477 Webmaster cse477-webmaster@cs.washington.edu

Project mail aliases for project groups:

Group Names Members

Comments to: cse477-webmaster@cs.washington.edu (Last Update: 03/29/04)