CSE 466 Lab 7:
Building the Electrocardiograph, Part 1


In this lab you'll use the amplifier circuit you built in Lab 7. Then you will interface it to the Teensy and your LCD for use in next week's lab.


In this lab, you will learn about:

Suggested Reading and Resources

To Do:

NOTE: Read through the entire lab so you know what is coming, and you can plan accordingly.
This is a time to use Good Design Process.

I. Display a heart trace on the LCD

Connect your circuit from Lab 7 to your Teensy board to your choice of Analog inputs.

II. Add a calibrated grid to your display, and some controls

You should add a grid to your display, with the following characteristics. The measurements shown are for a standard printout, so your squares do not need to be 1 mm.
Your grid measurements should be proportional for your screen, and preserve the relationship between small square size and time/voltage:


III. (Optional:) Continue with Parts I and II in Lab 8 if you have time.

Deliverables- All are due by Tuesday, February 27 at 12 noon.