CSE/EE 474
ECG Project Final Report
Reports should use the two column format Microsoft Word format suggested by the ACM for SigGraph.
The authors are the members of your team, who should write this together and should each turn in a copy.
The paper should be at most 4 pages and include the following sections:
Project abstract
A one paragraph description of the ECG project and why it is should be useful to someone.
which includes purpose of the project and its intended use.
Description of your solution
This is the main body of the report, which includes:
- Hardware description, including analog front-end and other modules
- Theory-of-operation for your ECG hardware
- Theory-of-operation for your ECG software, explaning sample-rate and filter characteristics
- Theory-of-operation for your QRS detector and any Arrhythmia detectors you implemented
Future work
Describe improvements that could be made to your implementation.
Explain how you evaluated success -- what did you measure? What tradeoffs did your design entail?
Project Reports are due by 10 pm on Wednesday, March 15, 2017, in your Catalyst Drop-box.