| CSE 473: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Winter 2019
Instructor: Linda Shapiro
Office: 634 Allen Center, Phone: 206-543-2196
Email: shapiro@cs.washington.edu
Office Hours: after class MW
Course Details
- Purpose: To introduce Artificial Intelligence to CSE
undergraduate students,
both the basic topics and some state-of-the-art
This is a survey course that will look at a variety of AI subareas
such as problem solving, game playing, reasoning, machine learning,
and computer vision.
- Text: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (third edition),
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig,
Prentice Hall, 2010
- Python Tutorial: Prof. Tanimoto's Tutorial
- Inclusion We wecome students of all backgrounds and
require mutual respect among students and staff. Students with
special needs should contact UW Disability Resources for Students.
- Topics:
Note: Topics from Chs 1-6 correspond closely to the text; after that not so much.
- Introduction (Ch. 1)
- Problem-Solving by Search (Ch 3)
- Beyond Classical Search (Ch 4)
- Game Playing (Ch 5)
- Constraint Satisfaction (Ch 6)
- Learning (Ch 18 and parts of Ch 20)
- Computer Vision with Learning
- Reasoning (selections from Chs 8, 9, 14, 15 )
- Other Applications
- Notes
- Assignments
- Evaluation:
- All work must be your own and individually done. We will report
all suspected cheating to the Dean of Engineering, as now required.
Copying the work from current or former students or from the web, unless given prior permission to use web packages is cheating.
- Programming Assignments: 50%
- Midterm 25%
- Final 25%