Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
CSE 473 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Autumn 2011
Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30-10:20 in MGH 231
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Instructor: Luke Zettlemoyer (lsz at cs dot washington dot edu)
Office hours: Mondays 10:30-11:30, CSE 658
TA: Lydia Chilton (hmslydia at cs dot washington dot edu)
Office hours: Thursdays 3-4, CSE 006 computer cluster
TA: Johnson Goh (johnson at cs dot washington dot edu)
Office hours: Tuesdays 10-11, CSE 022 computer cluster


Week Dates Topics & Lecture Notes Readings
1 September 28, 30 Introduction, Search R&N, Ch. 1 (Ch. 2 is optional)
2 October 3, 5, 7 Search (cont.), Heuristic Search R&N, Ch. 3.1-3.7
3 October 10, 12, 14 Constraint Satisfaction R&N, Ch. 6.1-6.5
4 October 17, 19, 21 Game Playing: Minimax and Expectimax R&N, Ch. 5.1-5.9 (5.6 is optional)
5 October 24, 26, 28 Schedule catch-up and Planning R&N, Ch. 10
6 October 31, November 2, 4 Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) R&N, Ch. 16.1-16.3, Ch 17.1-17.3; S&B, Ch. 3-4
7 November 7, 9 Reinforcement Learning R&N, Ch. 17.4 (also, finish previous reading)
8 November 14, 16, 18 RL (continued), Uncertainty and Hidden Markov Models R&N, 13.1-13.5
9 November 21, 23 HMMs (continued) and Bayesian Networks R&N, Ch. 15.1-15.6
10 November 28, 30, December 2 BNs (continued) and Bayesian Network Inference R&N, 14.1-14.5
11 December 5, 7, 9 Machine Learning: Naive Bayes and Perceptron R&N, Ch. 18.1, 18.4, 18.6



Programming Projects

This quarter, we will do The Pac-Man Projects. Please complete the versions listed below, as they differ in places from the originals. Submit your assignments to the class drop box.

Written Homeworks

We will also have 3 written homework assignments, which will be listed below as they are assigned. Solutions are available in the share space.


The final exam is Wednesday, December 14 from 830-1020 in MGH 231. It is open notes. Be sure to review at least the following topics. A practice exam is available the share space. You might also find it helpful to look at course material from the AI class at UC Berkeley.


The final grade will consist of written homeworks (30%), programming assignments (40%), and the final exam (30%).

Course Administration and Policies

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University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX