import*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * A graphical way to view the map and draw/view the particles. * @author Matt Hoffman * @version 2.0 ***/ public class GridMap extends JPanel { private static PrintStream err = System.err; private static PrintStream debug = System.err; public int realRobotX, realRobotY; public float realRobotR; public boolean hasRealData; public int robotX, robotY; public int[] robotS; public float robotR; public int mMinX, mMinY; public int mMaxX, mMaxY; private double mResolution; private int mxSize, mySize; private boolean[] mOccupied; // ADDED FOR SECOND PART OF PROJECT sensorLookupTable lookupTable; // END ADDED FOR SECOND PART OF PROJECT private class Particle { public Particle(int x, int y) { X=x; Y=y; } int X = 0; int Y = 0; } private ArrayList mParticles; /** * Construct the grid map given a map-file (which will be * provided). * @param file The file specifying the map. ***/ public GridMap(String file) { mParticles = new ArrayList(); try { InputStream input = new FileInputStream(file); handleVers2(input); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(mxSize, mySize)); // ADDED FOR SECOND PART OF PROJECT initSensorLookupTable(); // END ADDED FOR SECOND PART OF PROJECT } catch (Exception e) { err.println("" + e); System.exit(-1); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle version 2 stuff // --------------------------------------------------------------- private void handleVers2(InputStream input) throws IOException { mResolution = 100.0; // find the map's bounding box mMinX = readInteger(input); mMinY = readInteger(input); mMaxX = mMinX + (int)(readInteger(input) * mResolution + .5); mMaxY = mMinY + (int)(readInteger(input) * mResolution + .5); // find the width/height mxSize = (int) ((mMaxX-mMinX)/ mResolution + .5); mySize = (int) ((mMaxY-mMinY)/ mResolution + .5); if ((mxSize & 0x7) != 0) // multiple of 8 mxSize = 0x8 + (mxSize & ~0x7); if ((mySize & 0x1) != 0) // multiple of 2 mySize = 0x1 + (mySize & ~0x1); mOccupied = new boolean[mxSize * mySize]; for (int y=0; y < mySize; ++y) for (int x=0; x < mxSize; ++x) { boolean occupied = !(; mOccupied[y*mxSize+x] = occupied; } } private static int readInteger(InputStream input) throws IOException { byte[] integer = new byte[4];; return byteArrayToInt(integer); } // NOTE: java is big-endian no matter what. I hate this language // (although I guess this's not necessarily a bad thing). private static int byteArrayToInt(byte[] a) { return ( ( (int)a[3] << 24 ) & 0xff000000 ) | ( ( (int)a[2] << 16 ) & 0x00ff0000 ) | ( ( (int)a[1] << 8 ) & 0x0000ff00 ) | ( (int)a[0] & 0x000000ff ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- public int getX (double x) { return (int) ((x - mMinX) / mResolution + .5); } public int getY (double y) { return mySize - (int) ((y - mMinY) / mResolution + .5); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); for (int y=0; y < mySize; y++) for (int x=0; x < mxSize; x++) { if (mOccupied[y*mxSize+x]) g.setColor(Color.gray); else g.setColor(Color.white); // draw the pixel g.fillRect(x, (int)(mySize) - y, 1, 1); } g.setColor(; for (int i=0; i < mParticles.size(); ++i) { Particle p = mParticles.get(i); int x = getX(p.X); int y = getY(p.Y); int size = 3; g.drawOval(x, y, size, size); g.fillOval(x, y, size, size); } int size = 4; int x = getX(robotX); int y = getY(robotY); g.setColor(; g.drawOval(x, y, size, size); g.fillOval(x, y, size, size); if (hasRealData) { x = getX(realRobotX); y = getY(realRobotY); g.setColor(; g.drawOval(x, y, size, size); g.fillOval(x, y, size, size); for (int i=0; i < robotS.length; ++i) { float angle = realRobotR + (float)(i*Math.PI/(Status.NUM_SCANS-1) - Math.PI/2); int x1 = getX(realRobotX); int y1 = getY(realRobotY); int x2 = getX(realRobotX + Math.cos(angle)*expectedSensorReading(realRobotX,realRobotY,angle)); int y2 = getY(realRobotY + Math.sin(angle)*expectedSensorReading(realRobotX,realRobotY,angle)); g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); } } } /** Whether or not a position is occupied. */ public boolean occupied(int X, int Y) { int x = (int)((X - mMinX) / mResolution); int y = (int)((Y - mMinY) / mResolution); if (y>=0 && x>=0 && y= 360.0) angleInDegrees -= 360.0; while(angleInDegrees < 0.0) angleInDegrees += 360.0; int index = (int)Math.floor(angleInDegrees / angleStep); return index; } public double distanceOfFirstHit(int globalXCoord, int globalYCoord, double angleInRadians) { // convert the global coords to relative cells int cellX = (int)((globalXCoord - map.mMinX) / mapResolution); int cellY = (int)((globalYCoord - map.mMinY) / mapResolution); // convert the angle to the appropriate angle lookup index double angleInDegrees = Math.toDegrees(angleInRadians); // DEBUGGING // angleInDegrees += 180; while(angleInDegrees >= 360.0) angleInDegrees -= 360.0; while(angleInDegrees < 0.0) angleInDegrees += 360.0; int lookupIndex = angleToIndex(angleInDegrees); char charNumSteps = nearestDistances[cellX][cellY][lookupIndex]; double numSteps = (double)charNumSteps; double dist = numSteps*distanceResolution; return dist; } } // end sensorLookupTable class }