Review Topics

Environments / Agents / Problems


  1. Search algorithms
  2. Space/Time complexity, Optimality, Completeness
  3. Heuristics
  4. SAT and SAT solvers - GSAT & Walksat
  5. Constraint satisfaction problems

Logic and Knowledge Representation

  1. Universal and Existential quantification; translating sentences into formulas.
  2. Inference
  3. Situation calculus


  1. STRIPS representation - propositional
  2. POP
  3. Graphplan,Satplan


  1. Basic probability theory
  2. Bayes' rule
  3. Conditional probability, independence
  4. Bayesian networks (construction, independence, inference)
  5. Dynamic Bayesian networks
  6. Robot localization, Markov assumption,particle filters
  7. Sequential decision making (value iteration)

Machine Learning

  1. Overfitting
  2. Inductive learning
  3. Decision trees/entropy
  4. EM, mixtures of Gaussians