Review Topics
Environments / Agents / Problems
- Search algorithms
- Uninformed
- Informed
- Iterative improvement
- Space/Time complexity, Optimality, Completeness
- Heuristics
- SAT and SAT solvers - GSAT & Walksat
- Constraint satisfaction problems
Logic and Knowledge Representation
- Universal and Existential quantification; translating sentences
into formulas.
- Inference
- Soundness, completeness
- Transforming logical formulas into CNF
- Unification
- Resolution
- Skolemization
- Situation calculus
- STRIPS representation - propositional
- Graphplan,Satplan
- Basic probability theory
- Bayes' rule
- Conditional probability, independence
- Bayesian networks (construction, independence, inference)
- Dynamic Bayesian networks
- Robot localization, Markov assumption,particle filters
- Sequential decision making (value iteration)
Machine Learning
- Overfitting
- Inductive learning
- Decision trees/entropy
- EM, mixtures of Gaussians