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 CSE 473: Artificial Intelligence I
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Problem Set #4

  • Due: Oct 29th at the beginning of class.
  • Chapter 6. The following section is optional: 6.5.
  • Problem sets have to be typed, hard copy, and legible.
  • Assignment:

    1. Implement a tic-tac-toe playing program that uses minimax and alpha-beta pruning.
    2. Plan to use this code and the concepts learned as the basis of an Othello playing program. Identify a partner with which to work on the Othello project, and begin program design.

    Write-up Guidelines:

    Your write up must include all of the following elements for full credit:

    1) Questions:
    • How do you represent the board?
    • How do you generate the next ply?
    • What is your evaluation function, and why is it good?
    • How will you extend your code to play Othello? How much work will be involved?
    2) Extra Credit:

    If you did anything you would like considered for extra credit, please discuss it in this section.

    3) Trace:

    We need to see the output trace of three games of tic-tac-toe. Figure out how to represent the output trace of the three games using just one sheet of paper (font and back ok).

    4) Code:

    For code, please print in two-column landscape mode, both front and back so that we might save some paper. CSE printers are all duplex capable. Take advantage of this fact. Linux users might want to check out "lpr -Z duplex" when printing.

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