Grade Breakdown

Grades are calculated as follows:

The grades on each assignment and exam are normalized to be out of 100%.

Each grade is multiplied by the weight below and summed.

The result is divided by 25 to yield a grade between 0 and 4.0.

I will adjust this number upward between 0.0 and 0.3 points to account for the extra credit work you have done throughout the quarter.  This is based on my own subjective judgment of the effort involved.

Reading summaries 4%
Midterm exam 10%
Final exam 20%
Assignment 1 - A* - Written exercises     4%
Assignment 2 - Written exercises 3%
Assignment 2 - Planner project 15%
Assignment 3 - Logic 5%
Assignment 4 - Sat & Prolog 5%
Assignment 5 - Games 4%
Assignment 6 - Probability 5%
Assignment 7 - JavaBayes 5%
Assignment 8 - Spam filter project 15%
Assignment 9 - Learning 5%