Assignment 6 – CSE 473 Introduction to AI – Fall 2003

Each question on this assignment is worth 10 points, for a total of 40 points.  I estimate that it will take between 1 hour and 2 hours to complete this assignment.  If you find it is taking you much longer than that, feel free to ask for help from the TA, the professor, and/or other students in the class.  All questions are due on Friday Nov 14th.  The reading summaries specified separately on the Calendar page that was handed out today and is posted on the web site under both “Assignments” and “Lectures”:


1.      Consider the Hungry Monkey probabilistic planning domain we discussed in class on Nov 7th and 10th.  Now suppose that each action has an associated cost to perform:  A jump costs 0.25 units (measured in bananas).  A shake costs 0.10 units.


Where n is a max node and a is an action, define child(n,a) as the chance node reached by performing a in s.  Then ExpectiMax with action costs becomes:



Write down the complete ExpectiMax search tree for plans where the Monkey performs exactly two actions.  (See the Powerpoint slides from Nov 10 for such a tree without action costs.)  State what the Monkey’s optimal 2-step plan should be.


shake: cost 0.10

        if (~ontable)

             1/6 -> +1 banana

             5/6 -> no change

        if (ontable)

             2/3 -> +1 banana

             1/3 -> no change


jump: cost 0.25

        if (~ontable)

          2/3 -> ontable

          1/3 -> ~ontable

        if (ontable)



2.      Suppose you believe that P(A)=0.4 and P(B)=0.3.  What is the range of possible consistent values that you assign to P(A and B)?  What is the range of consistent values for P(A or B)?


3.      R&N problem 13.8.


4.      R&N problem 13.18.  Your answer need not be exhaustive – half a page is fine.  The purpose of this problem is to get you thinking about how you might build your spam filter later in the course.