- Search algorithms
- depth-first
- breadth-first
- iterative-deepening
- uniform-cost
- best-first
- greedy
- A*
- Space/Time complexity, Optimality, Completeness
- Heuristics
- CSP - variables, domains, constraints / Hill climbing & simulated annealing
- SAT and SAT solvers - DPLL (systematic) & Walksat (stochastic)
Game playing
- Minimax search
- Evalutaion function
- Alpha-beta pruning
- Universal and Existential quantification; translating sentences into formulas.
- Transforming logical formulas into CNF
- Resolution
- Negate conclusion
- Break up conjunction into conjuncts
- Use general and unit resolution
- Unify literals
- Derive contradiction
- Basic probability theory
- Conditional probability, independence
- Bayesian network -
- Construction
- Inference
- Independence and d-separation
Machine Learning
- Candidate Elimination/Version Space
- Decision Trees/Entropy
- Ensembles - Bagging, Boosting
- Instance-based learning - Voroni diagram
- Neural network
- Perceptrons/neurons
- Weights
- Representing boolean functions
- Network of perceptrons
- STRIPS representation - propositional
- Translating STRIPS into logical formulas
- Plan as time steps
- States & Actions as axioms