Assignment 1

Verilog HDL Programs for an ALU

Due: Friday, October 17, before class


Reminder: Don’t work in teams for this first assignment.


Background Reading: See Hennessy and Patterson, section 4.5, pp.230-249 (or pp. 182-198 in the older edition) for a description of the ALU to be designed. For Verilog, consult the web-based handbook from Bucknell that is referenced on the class web page. As a backup, look at the reference manual by Rajeev Mahavan, also available from the class web page.


Goal of the assignment: To acquire initial proficiency in writing Verilog behavioral and structural descriptions, to gain experience running Verilog simulations, and to reacquaint yourselves with the basic ALU structure of a modern computer.


Resources: Verilog is available on a set of research Sun workstations. The list is in the syllabus in the 471 course web.


To use Verilog, add the following to your path:



Verilog is invoked with a command of the form:

verilog.exe tester.v design.v

where tester.v and design.v are files that contain Verilog programs. (You may use any names you wish.)


Part 1: To get familiar with Verilog syntax and semantics, carefully read the code for fullAdder, mux2, mux4, alu1, alu1msb, alu32 and ALUtester. First, as an exercise in understanding what the ALU is doing, incorporate comments into the Verilog program. Second, prepare a page of output that exercises the design and establishes that it works. This includes, at a minimum, executing all of the operations on both normal and "overflowing" operands. One test is already in the program ALUtester; your job is to add the rest.


Part 2: The fullAdder () design is a simple behavioral description of a one-bit adder. Replace fullAdder with a structural design based on the defining logic of binary addition in Hennessy and Patterson. This new Verilog code should be formulated into two routines:

halfAdder(), which computes the result bit (half add), and

carry() which computes the carry out bit.

Additionally, the fullAdder () routine will have to be changed to call these two new routines. Write a new tester module that exercises your one-bit adder. Prepare a page of output that shows it works correctly.


Due: Everything is due before class, October 17, 1998.


What should be turned in:

  1. A commented version of fullAdder, mux2, mux4, alu1, alumsb, alu32 and ALUtester.
  2. Output from ALUtester that clearly indicates you have tested the ALU thoroughly.
  3. A structural design of fullAdder that includes 3 routines: an altered fullAdder (called fullAddrS), a new halfAdder and a new carry.
  4. A tester (fullAddrStester) module for fullAdderS.
  5. Output from fullAddrStester that clearly indicates you have tested fullAdderS thoroughly.



How: Use the Unix utility tunin on one of the two instructional machines orcas and sanjuan.




-- fullAdder --


module fullAdder( CarryOut, Result, a, b, c);

input a, b, c;

output CarryOut, Result;

reg CarryOut, Result;


always @(a or b or c)

{CarryOut, Result} = a + b + c;






-- mux2 --


module mux2( z, Select, in0,in1);

input Select, in0, in1;

output z;

reg z;


always @(Select or in0 or in1)

if (Select == 1'b1)

z = in1;

else if (Select == 1'b0)

z = in0;


z = 1'bx;



-- mux4 --


module mux4( z, Select, in0, in1, in2, in3);

input [1:0] Select;

input in0, in1, in2, in3;

output z;

reg z;


always @(Select or in0 or in1 or in2 or in3)

case (Select)

2'b00: z = in0;

2'b01: z = in1;

2'b10: z = in2;

2'b11: z = in3;

default: z = 1'bx;




-- alu1 --



module alu1( a, b, CarryIn, Less, Result,

CarryOut, Operation, Binvert);

input a, b, CarryIn, Less;

output Result, CarryOut;

input [1:0] Operation;

input Binvert;


wire t0, t1, t2;

wire bbar, bb;


and g0( t0, a, b);

or g1( t1, a, b);

not g2( bbar, b);

mux2 g3( bb, Binvert, b, bbar);

fullAdder g4( CarryOut, t2, a, bb, CarryIn);

mux4 g5( Result, Operation, t0, t1, t2, Less);





-- alu1msb --


module alu1msb( a, b, CarryIn, Less, Result,

CarryOut, Operation, Binvert,

Set, Overflow);

input a, b, CarryIn, Less;

output Result, CarryOut;

input [1:0] Operation;

input Binvert;

output Set, Overflow;

reg Overflow, Set;


wire t0, t1, t2;

wire bbar, bb;


and g0( t0, a, b);

or g1( t1, a, b);

not g2( bbar, b);

mux2 g3( bb, Binvert, b, bbar);

fullAdder g4( CarryOut, t2, a, bb, CarryIn);

mux4 g5( Result, Operation, t0, t1, t2, Less);


always @(CarryIn or CarryOut or t2)


Overflow = CarryIn ^ CarryOut;

Set = Overflow ^ t2;
































-- alu32 --


module alu32( a, b, r, Overflow,

Op, Bneg, AllZero);

input [31:0] a, b;

output [31:0] r;

input Bneg;

input [1:0] Op;

output Overflow, AllZero;

reg AllZero;


wire [32:1] c;

wire Set;


alu1 alu_0( a[0], b[0], Bneg, Set, r[0], c[1], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_1( a[1], b[1], c[1], 1'b0, r[1], c[2], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_2( a[2], b[2], c[2], 1'b0, r[2], c[3], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_3( a[3], b[3], c[3], 1'b0, r[3], c[4], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_4( a[4], b[4], c[4], 1'b0, r[4], c[5], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_5( a[5], b[5], c[5], 1'b0, r[5], c[6], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_6( a[6], b[6], c[6], 1'b0, r[6], c[7], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_7( a[7], b[7], c[7], 1'b0, r[7], c[8], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_8( a[8], b[8], c[8], 1'b0, r[8], c[9], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_9( a[9], b[9], c[9], 1'b0, r[9], c[10], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_10( a[10], b[10], c[10], 1'b0, r[10], c[11], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_11( a[11], b[11], c[11], 1'b0, r[11], c[12], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_12( a[12], b[12], c[12], 1'b0, r[12], c[13], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_13( a[13], b[13], c[13], 1'b0, r[13], c[14], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_14( a[14], b[14], c[14], 1'b0, r[14], c[15], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_15( a[15], b[15], c[15], 1'b0, r[15], c[16], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_16( a[16], b[16], c[16], 1'b0, r[16], c[17], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_17( a[17], b[17], c[17], 1'b0, r[17], c[18], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_18( a[18], b[18], c[18], 1'b0, r[18], c[19], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_19( a[19], b[19], c[19], 1'b0, r[19], c[20], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_20( a[20], b[20], c[20], 1'b0, r[20], c[21], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_21( a[21], b[21], c[21], 1'b0, r[21], c[22], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_22( a[22], b[22], c[22], 1'b0, r[22], c[23], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_23( a[23], b[23], c[23], 1'b0, r[23], c[24], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_24( a[24], b[24], c[24], 1'b0, r[24], c[25], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_25( a[25], b[25], c[25], 1'b0, r[25], c[26], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_26( a[26], b[26], c[26], 1'b0, r[26], c[27], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_27( a[27], b[27], c[27], 1'b0, r[27], c[28], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_28( a[28], b[28], c[28], 1'b0, r[28], c[29], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_29( a[29], b[29], c[29], 1'b0, r[29], c[30], Op, Bneg);

alu1 alu_30( a[30], b[30], c[30], 1'b0, r[30], c[31], Op, Bneg);

alu1msb alu_31( a[31], b[31], c[31], 1'b0, r[31], c[32], Op, Bneg,

Set, Overflow);


always @(r)

AllZero = (r == 32'b0);









-- ALUtester --


module ALUtester;


reg [31:0] a, b;

reg [1:0] Operation;

reg Bnegate;

wire [31:0] Result;

wire Overflow, AllZero;


alu32 alu( a, b, Result, Overflow, Operation, Bnegate, AllZero);


initial begin


a = 'h00000000; b = 'h80000001; Bnegate = 1; Operation = 2;

$strobe( "a=%h b=%h r=%h Bnegate=%h v=%h op=%h z=%h",

a, b, Result, Bnegate, Overflow, Operation, AllZero);




