Lab 3 is simple to describe but difficult to do. It is to pipeline your Lab 2 design. There needs to be at least 5 pipeline stages:
Fetch: read the instruction from code memory
Decode/Register access: decode the instruction and read the register file
Execute: execute the instruction
Memory write: read or write from memory
Write back: Write the results back to the register file
Optionally you can implement a 6 stage pipeline, one where the second write register operand is implemented in the 6th stage. The Lab 2 solution supported the second write, so if you are going to start from the lab 2 solution instead of your lab 2, then you either need to implement a six stage pipeline or you need to drop support for writing the second operand.
When is the due date? TBD. This is the last lab. But there's another homework, and I need to look at the schedule. THIS LAB IS HARD. Please start early. I received a lot of questions in the last week Lab 2. This is not good. If you start this lab 4-5 days before it is due you will find it super stressful. Pipelining introduces a lot more moving parts to the design. Go slow and methodical and have lots of test cases.
Do I need to use my lab 2 solution or can I start from the provided lab 2 solution? You can start from your solution, the provided solution or mix and match components.
Do I need to handle data hazards via forwarding? Absolutely. That's what this lab is all about.
What do I do with the instructions that are fetched after a taken branch? You need to implement the ARM32 or ARM64 ISA correctly. In this ISA that means you need to squash those instructions (make them have no effect on on architecturally visible state).
Do my memories need to be clocked for read? Yes.
Can I do this lab one stage at a time? Yes. That's how I intend to create the solution. I'll probably start at fetch, and pipeline that one stage. Then do the next, and so on. Always ensuring a working design as I go.
rm -rf obj_dir
rm -f cpu.vcd
verilator --cc --trace cpu.v --exe sim.cpp
make -j -C obj_dir/ -f Vcpu
///// This file is the C++ file needed for verilator
#include "Vcpu.h"
#include "verilated.h"
#include "verilated_vcd_c.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) {
int i;
int clk;
Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
// init top verilog instance
Vcpu* top = new Vcpu;
// init trace dump
VerilatedVcdC* tfp = new VerilatedVcdC;
top->trace (tfp, 99);
tfp->open ("cpu.vcd");
// initialize simulation inputs
top->clk_in = 1;
top->nreset = 0;
// run simulation for 1000 clock periods
for (i=0; i<1000; i++) {
top->nreset = (i > 2);
// dump variables into VCD file and toggle clock
for (clk=0; clk<2; clk++) {
tfp->dump (2*i+clk);
top->clk_in = !top->clk_in;
top->eval ();
if (Verilated::gotFinish()) exit(0);