CSE467: Advanced Logic Design
Carl Ebeling, Winter 1999
List of topics and concepts covered this quarter:
- Truth tables and structured logic implementations
- PALs and PLAs implementation of functions
- Table lookup implementation of functions (PROM/LUT)
- Multiplexors for functions
- Decoders for functions
- Tristates for multiplexing and busses
- Synchronous circuit design methodologies
- Timing characteristics of registers: setup/hold constraints and propagation delays
- Effects of clock skew
- Asynchronous inputs, "synchronizers" and metastability problems
- Finite state machine models: Mealy vs. Moore machines
- State diagrams and compiling to state tables and circuit implementation
- PLD implementation of state machines
- FGPA architectures: logic blocks and routing structures
- FPGA design methodologies and CAD tools: place and route
- 2-level logic minimization
- Multi-output function minimization
- Multilevel logic synthesis
- Algebraic and boolean division, kernel and cube factors
- Logic transformations including factoring and Shannon decomposition
- State minimization
- State assignment techniques
- Memory structures and control
- Static RAM architecture and timing
- Dynamic RAM architecture and timing
- Serial communication
- Verilog description of digital systems
- Logic Analyzers