Problem 1: Draw the state machine representation of the following Verilog model (10pts).


module m(out, clk, data);

input clk, data;

output out;


always @(clk or data)

     if (clk) out = data;



For which edge of the clock (rising or falling) is input data subject to setup and hold constraints…why?


Problem 2: Draw the functional timing diagram of the following Verilog model given the input waveforms below. Note: inputs are synchronous. (20pts)


module mutex(grantA, grantB, reqA, reqB, clk);

input clk, reqA, reqB;

output grantA, grantB;


reg state;


always @(posedge clk) begin

   if (reqB & ((state == `PRIORITYB) | ~reqA) ) state <= `PRIORITYB;

   else state <= `PRIORITYA;



assign grantA = reqA & (state == `PIORITYA);

assign grantB = (state == `PRIORITYB);



















Problem 3: Write a Verilog description for the following circuit with input A and output Y (5pts).