CSE467: Advanced Logic Design
Carl Ebeling, Winter 2000
We will be covering the following topics, but not necessarily in this order.
Combinational Logic
Structured Logic Implementations
Sequential Logic
Finite-State Machines
Electrical Realities
Logic Families
Practical Issues: Reading Data Books, Interfacing
Fixed Function Parts
Programmable Parts
PALs and PLDs
Computer-Aided Design
Hardware Description Languages (Verilog)
Two-level and Multi-level Logic Synthesis
Technology-Independent Optimizations
Technology Mapping
Sequential Synthesis
Underlying Data Structures and Algorithms
Tools for Mapping to PLDs and FPGAs
System Components
Read-mostly Memory Technologies (ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash)
Static and Dynamic Memories
Memory Controllers and Timing Generation
Special-Purpose Memory Devices
Digital Communication
Serial and Parallel Protocols
Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Communication
System Busses and Bus Interface Design
Arbitration Schemes