| The file has been automatically generated by | the Script Editor File Wizard version | | Copyright © 1998 Aldec, Inc. | Initial settings delete_signals set_mode functional restart stepsize 10 ns clock CLK 0 1 | Vector Definitions | | Add your vector definition commands here vector PPIN PPDATA[7:0] radix dec PPIN vector ADR ADDR[6:0] radix hex ADR | Watched Signals and Vectors | | Define your signal and vector watch list here watch PWE PPIN watch BTN1 watch BTN4 PDS PINT watch PBSY | Hierarchical signals can be watched too (good for debugging): |watch U18\ |assign, check, cycle are keywords |assign sig x - assign value x to net sig | if x is the value, x\b signals that x is in binary, \d for decimal and \h for hex. |cycle x - simulate for x cycles |check sig x - check that net sig has value x. | if value does not match, error message would be displayed in the command file | enter stimulus and check commands here assign PPIN 255\D assign BTN1 0 assign PDS 0 assign BTN4 1 | this is the reset assign PWE 0 assign PINT 0 | clear RE and WE cycle 1 | do reset check PBSY 0 | check that HW not indicating busy assign BTN4 0 | clear the reset input | put the rest of you stimuli here to test your circuit sim