/* Draws a 3d rotating cube on the ILI9341 screen. */ #define TFT_DC 9 #define TFT_CS 10 #include "SPI.h" #include "Adafruit_GFX.h" #include "ILI9341_t3.h" ILI9341_t3 tft = ILI9341_t3(TFT_CS, TFT_DC); typedef struct { uint16_t red : 5; uint16_t green : 6; uint16_t blue : 5; } Color; uint16_t Col; Color PIX; #define ScreenColor ILI9341_YELLOW #define halfline 40 float angle; float xx,xy,xz; float yx,yy,yz; float zx,zy,zz; float fact; int Xan,Yan; int Xoff; int Yoff; int Zoff; struct Point3d { int x; int y; int z; }; struct Point2d { int x; int y; }; int LinestoRender; // lines to render. int OldLinestoRender; // lines to render just in case it changes. this makes sure the old lines all get erased. struct Line3d { Point3d p0; Point3d p1; }; struct Line2d { Point2d p0; Point2d p1; }; Line3d Lines[20]; Line2d Render[20]; Line2d ORender[20]; /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ // Sets the global vars for the 3d transform. Any points sent through "process" will be transformed using these figures. // only needs to be called if Xan or Yan are changed. void SetVars(void) { float Xan2,Yan2,Zan2; float s1,s2,s3,c1,c2,c3; Xan2 = Xan / fact; // convert degrees to radians. Yan2 = Yan / fact; // Zan is assumed to be zero s1 = sin(Yan2); s2 = sin(Xan2); c1 = cos(Yan2); c2 = cos(Xan2); xx = c1; xy = 0; xz = -s1; yx = (s1 * s2); yy = c2; yz = (c1 * s2); zx = (s1 * c2); zy = -s2; zz = (c1 * c2); } /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ // processes x1,y1,z1 and returns rx1,ry1 transformed by the variables set in SetVars() // fairly heavy on floating point here. // uses a bunch of global vars. Could be rewritten with a struct but possibly not worth the effort. void ProcessLine(struct Line2d *ret,struct Line3d vec) { float zvt1; int xv1,yv1,zv1; float zvt2; int xv2,yv2,zv2; int rx1,ry1; int rx2,ry2; int x1; int y1; int z1; int x2; int y2; int z2; int Ok; x1=vec.p0.x; y1=vec.p0.y; z1=vec.p0.z; x2=vec.p1.x; y2=vec.p1.y; z2=vec.p1.z; Ok=0; // defaults to not OK xv1 = (x1 * xx) + (y1 * xy) + (z1 * xz); yv1 = (x1 * yx) + (y1 * yy) + (z1 * yz); zv1 = (x1 * zx) + (y1 * zy) + (z1 * zz); zvt1 = zv1 - Zoff; if( zvt1 < -5){ rx1 = 256 * (xv1 / zvt1) + Xoff; ry1 = 256 * (yv1 / zvt1) + Yoff; Ok=1; // ok we are alright for point 1. } xv2 = (x2 * xx) + (y2 * xy) + (z2 * xz); yv2 = (x2 * yx) + (y2 * yy) + (z2 * yz); zv2 = (x2 * zx) + (y2 * zy) + (z2 * zz); zvt2 = zv2 - Zoff; if( zvt2 < -5){ rx2 = 256 * (xv2 / zvt2) + Xoff; ry2 = 256 * (yv2 / zvt2) + Yoff; } else { Ok=0; } if(Ok==1){ ret->p0.x=rx1; ret->p0.y=ry1; ret->p1.x=rx2; ret->p1.y=ry2; } // The ifs here are checks for out of bounds. needs a bit more code here to "safe" lines //that will be way out of whack, so they dont get drawn and cause screen garbage. } /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ void setup() { tft.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); // in here is specific code for the display. change if you are using a different screen. tft.fillScreen(ScreenColor); fact = 180 / 3.14159259; // conversion from degrees to radians. Xoff = 120; // positions the center of the 3d conversion space into the center of the screen. This is usally screen_x_size / 2. Yoff = 160; // screen_y_size /2 Zoff = 500; // line segments to draw a cube. basically p0 to p1. p1 to p2. p2 to p3 so on. // Front Face. Lines[0].p0.x=-halfline; Lines[0].p0.y=-halfline; Lines[0].p0.z=halfline; Lines[0].p1.x=halfline; Lines[0].p1.y=-halfline; Lines[0].p1.z=halfline; Lines[1].p0.x=halfline; Lines[1].p0.y=-halfline; Lines[1].p0.z=halfline; Lines[1].p1.x=halfline; Lines[1].p1.y=halfline; Lines[1].p1.z=halfline; Lines[2].p0.x=halfline; Lines[2].p0.y=halfline; Lines[2].p0.z=halfline; Lines[2].p1.x=-halfline; Lines[2].p1.y=halfline; Lines[2].p1.z=halfline; Lines[3].p0.x=-halfline; Lines[3].p0.y=halfline; Lines[3].p0.z=halfline; Lines[3].p1.x=-halfline; Lines[3].p1.y=-halfline; Lines[3].p1.z=halfline; //back face. Lines[4].p0.x=-halfline; Lines[4].p0.y=-halfline; Lines[4].p0.z=-halfline; Lines[4].p1.x=halfline; Lines[4].p1.y=-halfline; Lines[4].p1.z=-halfline; Lines[5].p0.x=halfline; Lines[5].p0.y=-halfline; Lines[5].p0.z=-halfline; Lines[5].p1.x=halfline; Lines[5].p1.y=halfline; Lines[5].p1.z=-halfline; Lines[6].p0.x=halfline; Lines[6].p0.y=halfline; Lines[6].p0.z=-halfline; Lines[6].p1.x=-halfline; Lines[6].p1.y=halfline; Lines[6].p1.z=-halfline; Lines[7].p0.x=-halfline; Lines[7].p0.y=halfline; Lines[7].p0.z=-halfline; Lines[7].p1.x=-halfline; Lines[7].p1.y=-halfline; Lines[7].p1.z=-halfline; // now the 4 edge lines. Lines[8].p0.x=-halfline; Lines[8].p0.y=-halfline; Lines[8].p0.z=halfline; Lines[8].p1.x=-halfline; Lines[8].p1.y=-halfline; Lines[8].p1.z=-halfline; Lines[9].p0.x=halfline; Lines[9].p0.y=-halfline; Lines[9].p0.z=halfline; Lines[9].p1.x=halfline; Lines[9].p1.y=-halfline; Lines[9].p1.z=-halfline; Lines[10].p0.x=-halfline; Lines[10].p0.y=halfline; Lines[10].p0.z=halfline; Lines[10].p1.x=-halfline; Lines[10].p1.y=halfline; Lines[10].p1.z=-halfline; Lines[11].p0.x=halfline; Lines[11].p0.y=halfline; Lines[11].p0.z=halfline; Lines[11].p1.x=halfline; Lines[11].p1.y=halfline; Lines[11].p1.z=-halfline; LinestoRender=12; OldLinestoRender=LinestoRender; } /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ void RenderImage( void) { // renders all the lines after erasing the old ones. // in here is the only code actually interfacing with the screen. so if you use a different lib, this is where to change it. for (int i=0; i 2*PI/3) return 0; float f_channel = cos(a*3/4); // remap 120-degree 0-1.0 to 90 ?? return ceil(f_channel * 63); } /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ void loop() { PIX.red = angle_to_channel(angle)>>1; PIX.green = angle_to_channel(angle-2*PI/3); PIX.blue = angle_to_channel(angle-4*PI/3)>>1; angle += 0.02; if(angle > PI) angle -= 2*PI; Xan++; Yan++; Yan=Yan % 360; Xan=Xan % 360; // prevents overflow. SetVars(); //sets up the global vars to do the conversion. for(int i=0; i