CSE466 Workload and Grading
The course consists of the following elements:
- Lectures: There will be approximately 26 lectures. Attendance and
participation at all of them is expected.
- Laboratory Assignments: There will be a total of eight (8)
laboratory assignments (there will not be a laboratory meeting during
the first week - a larger lab assignment at the end will occupy two weeks).
Although you'll be able to use the lab all week, attendance at one of
the scheduled times is very important as that is when the TAs will be
available. We will work hard to ensure that the laboratory assignments
take approximately eight hours to complete in total (with some variation
from week to week). You should attend the session for which you are registered.
With permission of the instructor, you can attend the other section in case of unusual
circumstances. You will be assigned a lab partner for the first half of
the quarter and then these assignments will be scrambled for the second
half. Laboratory assignments need to be checked off and written answers to
questions turned in by the first half-hour of the next lab session.
- Reading: Most of our reading will involve data sheets which will be
linked from the lab web pages. Although most of this material is of a reference
nature, you will be expected read relevant sections as they come up in lecture and lab.
There may be some other readings as well that will be provided to you.
- Exams: There will two exams, one for each of the
two major parts of the course. The first exam will be a one-hour in-class closed book
exam. The second will be a take-home of similar length during finals week.
- Final demo: The last class meeting will be devoted to a demo
of your final lab project.
We will try to ensure that the workload is typical for a four-credit
course, namely, ten to twelve hours per week outside of the lectures for a
total of 13 to 15 hours.
If we do not succeed, please let us know in whichever way you feel the
most comfortable (person-to-person, e-mail,
feedback form) and explain which parts
of the course are causing you to spend too much time non-productively.
We will compute your course grade as follows (roughly):
- 40%: weekly laboratory assignments
- 30%: two exams
- 10%: final demo
- 20%: class participation
Comments to: cse466-webmaster@cs.washington.edu (Last Update: