Questions for Course Evaluation
Form A course evaluation:
The course as a whole was: (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor, Very
The course content was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
The instructor's contribution to the course was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
The instructor's effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Course organization was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Clarity of instructor's voice was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Explanations by instructor were: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Instructor's ability to present alternative explanations when needed was:
Instructor's use of examples and illustrations was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Quality of questions or problems raised by instructor was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Student confidence in instructor's knowledge was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Instructor's enthusiasm was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Encouragement given students to express themselves was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Answers to student questions were: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Availability of extra help when needed was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Use of class time was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Instructor's interest in whether students learned was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Amount you learned in the course was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Relevance and usefulness of course content were: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Evaluative and grading techniques (tests, papers, projects, etc.) were:
Reasonableness of assigned work was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Clarity of student responsibilities and requirements was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
Relative to other college courses you have taken:
Do you expect your grade in this course to be: (Much Higher, _, _, Average,
_, _, Much Lower)
The intellectual challenge presented was: (MH,_,_,Avg,_,_,ML)
The amount of effort you put into this course was: (MH,_,_,Avg,_,_,ML)
The amount of effort to succeed in this course was: (MH,_,_,Avg,_,_,ML)
Your involvement in this course (doing assignments, attending classes,
etc.) was: (MH,_,_,Avg,_,_,ML)
On average, how many hours per week have you spent on this course, including
attending classes, doing readings, reviewing notes, writing papers and
any other course related work? (Under 2, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13,
14-15, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21, 22 or more)
From the total average hours above, how many do you consider were valuable
in advancing your education? (Under 2, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13,
14-15, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21, 22 or more)
What grade do you expect in this course? (A 3.9-4.0, A- 3.5-3.8, B+ 3.2-3.4,
B 2.9-3.1, B- 2.5-2.8, C+ 2.2-2.4, C 1.9-2.1, C- 1.5-1.8, D+ 1.2-1.4, D
0.9-1.1, D- 0.7-0.8, E 0.0, Pass, Credit, No Credit)
In regard to your academic program, is this course best described as: (in
your major?, in your minor?, a distribution requirement?, a program requirement?,
an elective?, other?)
Additional items (on reverse):
The first 11 questions as part of our ABET accreditation preparations.
Please answer these completely. Leave #12 blank.
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
(A-very much, G-not at all)
An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data. (A-very much, G-not at all)
An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
(A-very much, G-not at all)
An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. (A-very much, G-not
at all)
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. (A-very
much, G-not at all)
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. (A-very much,
G-not at all)
An ability to communicate effectively. (A-very much, G-not at all)
The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions
in a global and societal context. (A-very much, G-not at all)
A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
(A-very much, G-not at all)
A knowledge of contemporary issues. (A-very much, G-not at all)
An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice. (A-very much, G-not at all)
Please leave blank.
How did you like the first project - constructing a USB device?
(0-hated it, 9-loved it)
How did you like the second project - constructing the multi-player soccer game?
(0-hated it, 9-loved it)
How useful did you find the coursepak of notes? (0-useless, 9-very useful)
Did you think the exams were fair? (0-not at all, 9-very fair)
Do you think the exams were graded fairly? (0-absolutely unfair, 9-with
amazing wisdom)
What did you think of the programming environments we used? (0-hated them, 9-loved them)
Did you find the time spent in lab to be helpful in gaining understanding of concepts? (0-never, 5-half the time, 9-always)
Please evaluate Carl Hartung as a TA. (0-terrible, 9-great)
Please evaluate Stefan Bach as a TA. (0-terrible, 9-great)
In general, did you like the mix of lectures and laboratory assignments? (0-not at all, 9-very much)
How were the responses to your e-mail questions? (0-worthless, 9-very useful)
What did you think of the course web? (0-useless, 9-great)
What did you think of the lecture slides? (0-hated them,
9-loved them)
Do you wish you had handouts for the lecture slides in advance of each lecture? (0-no, 5-maybe, 9-yes)
Are you more interested or less interested in embedded systems software after taking this class? (0-much less now, 5-about the same, 9-much more)
Would recommend this course to fellow students? (0-never, 9-absolutely)
Was the experience in this course worthwhile to your education? (0-waste
of time, 9-quite enriching)
Did you like the room in which the course was scheduled? (0-no, 9-yes)
How often did you fall asleep in lecture? (0-all the time, 9-never)
Was the course what you expected? (0-not at all, 9-pretty much)
Student comments (yellow sheet):
Was this class intellectually stimulating? Did it stretch your thinking?
What aspects of this class contributed most to your learning?
What aspects of this class detracted from your learning?
What suggestions do you have for improving the class?
Comments to: cse466-webmaster@cs.washington.edu (Last Update: