Solder together a 10k ohm resistor and your
photoresistor to produce an assembly that has only 3 pieces of wire.
The photoresistor should be connected between TP3 and TP6 (VCC), with
the 10K resistor connected between TP3 and ground (TP1). See the sample
we've made.
NOTE: Only one wire should plug into the TP
connectors. Use your photoresistor assembly to complete the
tutorial called
Lesson 2: Event-Driven Sensor Aqcuisition. You do NOT need to
complete the exercise from this lesson.
NOTE: Lesson
2 states "Notice the use of the function
rcombine() in the
implementation of
StdControl.init()." However
the recently updated version of SenseM does NOT use rcombine(
). It is confusing that the Lesson refers to
rcombine() even though the function is no longer demonstrated in
SenseM. The function
rcombine() is a special nesC
combining function which returns the logical-and of two commands who
result type is result_t.
Question 2: What are the events
generated during the execution of the Sense application? For each
basic event coming from the hardware, describe the fountain of
execution that is triggered (list each of the events and commands that
are issued from each hardware event and the interfaces they move